The recent FOSS4G2006 conference at Lausanne, Switzerland was a great success. It was amazing to see how many people showed up and how many creative ideas they presented there. From Jody’s blog I took some of the next figures, but obviously the conference merge of this year had a longer story. The Lausanne conference was a come together of MUM, GRASS, EOGEO, Java and more folks with their various community conferences. Here a more complete version:

2002 150 people GRASS Users conference, Trento, Italy (Proceedings)
2003 90 people MapServer User Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (Proceedings?)
2004 150+ people FOSS4G: GRASS Users Conference, Bangkok, Thailand (Proceedings)
2004 200+ people MapServer User Meeting and Open Source GIS Conference, Ottawa, Canada (Proceedings)
2005 300+ people MUM3 – Open Source Geospatial Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (Proceedings)
2006 500+ people Free and Open Source Software for Geoinformatics, Lausanne, Switzerland (Proceedings)

2007 you ask? We’ll see, will publish the call for hosting the conference soon. Some ideas are already floating around. Having 500+ people is nice, maybe we should not aim at 1000+ …

Impressive: the European petition on public geodata will reach 6500 verified signatures the next days! In total, more than 8000 signatures were already collected… BTW: Did YOU sign?

Vote for Public Maps - Reject INSPIRE!

GRASS 6.2.0RC1 was released yesterday (
We are getting very close to the next stable version. This release improves upon the previous stable
version of GRASS by adding hundreds of new features as well as support for the latest GIS data formats. More soon!

After an extra round of hacking, the new SWIG based new GRASS 6.3 Python interface starts work within a GRASS session. We can now call GRASS C functionality in Python scripts. Via libera for GRASS as GIS backbone for other software packages!

[Special thanks to Alessandro Frigeri for the nice logo]

I get the impression that the Web sites where Soviet Military Topographic Map Sets are collected, slowly disappear from the web. I wonder, if could give these really nice maps a new home. I found some remaining material on the web:

Map coverage (latest?):

Some links:

Soviet Topographic Map Symbols

Edit 2015: Interesting write-up by Wired about the maps: