The new edition of Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach is now available! With this third edition, we enter the new era of GRASS 6, the first release that includes substantial new code developed by the International GRASS Development Team. The dramatic growth in open source software libraries has made GRASS 6 development more efficient, and has enhanced GRASS interoperability with a wide range of open source and proprietary geospatial tools. The book is based on GRASS 6.3.

Thoroughly updated with material related to GRASS6, the third edition includes new sections on attribute database management and SQL support, vector networks analysis, lidar data processing and new graphical user interfaces. All chapters are updated with numerous practical examples using the first release of a comprehensive, state-of-the-art geospatial data set. This new OSGeo Educational data set along with additional material can be downloaded from

A first release candidate of GRASS 6.3.0 is now available:
-> grass-6.3.0RC1.tar.gz

An initial announcement has been drafted at
(state April 2007, further fixes need to be merged in)

Key fixes include improved portability for MS-Windows
(native support), hundreds of fixes, TclTk based
portable graphical interface and much new functionality.

Release candidate management at

Please test, test, test…

Tomorrow I’ll give a talk at University of Trento about the question why free software development works. Focus will be on GRASS, a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management and analysis, spatial modeling, and visualization. The project has an outstanding history as it was originally started a military project, but in the public domain. With the advent of Internet and related network based development tools a community was formed. Nowadays, both users and developers are spread over the globe and manage to develop this software with low administrational overhead and a good communication culture. This seminar reviews the technical and social aspects of this Free GIS project.

You can get the seminar slides here.