GRASS GIS 7 just got better: When reprojecting vector data, now automated vertex densification is applied. This reduces the reprojection error for long lines (or polygon boundaries). The needed improvement has been kindly added in v.proj by Markus Metz.
As an (extreme?) example, we generate a box in LatLong/WGS84 (EPSG: 4326) which is of 10 degree side length (see below for screenshot and at bottom for SHAPE file download of this “box” map):
[neteler@oboe ~]$ grass70 ~/grassdata/latlong/grass7/
# for the ease of generating the box, set computational region:
g.region n=60 s=40 w=0 e=30 res=10 -p
projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)
zone: 0
datum: wgs84
ellipsoid: wgs84
north: 60N
south: 40N
west: 0
east: 30E
nsres: 10
ewres: 10
rows: 2
cols: 3
cells: 6
# generate the box according to current computational region: box_latlong_10deg
Next we start GRASS GIS in a metric projection, here the EU LAEA:
Then we do a second reprojection with new automated vertex densification (here we use the default values for smax which is a 10km vertex distance in the reprojected map by default):
Comparison of the reprojection of a 10 degree large LatLong box to the metric EU LAEA (EPSG 3035): before in red and new in green. The grid is based on WGS84 at 5 degree spacing.
The result shows how nicely the projection is now performed in GRASS GIS 7: the red line output is old, the green color line is the new output (its area filling is not shown).
Consider to benchmark this with other GIS… the reprojected map should not become a simple trapezoid.
The second command is opening file_merged.shp in update mode, and trying to find existing layers and append the features being copied. The -nln option sets the name of the layer to be copied to.
Vector map reprojection
We reproject from the source projection (as defined in .prj file) to WGS84/LL:
MAP0: Extract spatial subregion, reproject from NAD83 to WGS84
# coordinate order: W S E N
ogr2ogr -spat 19.95035 -26.94755 29.42989 -17.72624 -t_srs ‘EPSG:4326’ \
polbnda_botswana.shp gltp:/vrf/grass0/warmerdam/v0soa/vmaplv0/soamafr \
Sample ‘where’ statements (use -sql for PostgreSQL driver):
# -where ‘fac_id in (195,196)’
# -where ‘fac_id = 195’
ogrinfo -ro -where ‘fac_id in (195,196)’ \
gltp:/vrf/grass0/warmerdam/v0soa/vmaplv0/soamafr ‘polbnda@bnd(*)_area’
Convert GRASS 6 vector map to SHAPE (needs GDAL-OGR-GRASS plugin):
# -nln is “new layer name” for the result:
ogr2ogr archsites.shp grassdata/spearfish60/PERMANENT/vector/archsites/head 1 \
-nln archsites
Using WKT files with ogr2ogr
The definition is in ESRI WKT format. If you save it to a text file called out.wkt you can do the following in a translation to reproject input latlong points to this coordinate system:
Most comand line options for GDAL/OGR tools that accept a coordinate system will allow you to give the name of a file containing WKT. And if you prefix the filename with ESRI:: the library will interprete the WKT as being ESRI WKT and convert to “standard” format accordingly. The -s_srs switch is assigning a source coordinate system to your input data (in case it didn’t have this properly defined already), and the -t_srs is defining a target coordinate system to reproject to.
TIGER files in OGR
# linear features:
ogr2ogr tiger_lines.shp tgr46081.rt1 CompleteChain
# area features:
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages tgr46081.rt1 tiger_area.shp
OGR CSV driver: easily indicate column types
You can now write a little csv help file to indicate the columns types to OGR. It works as follows. Suppose you have a foobar.csv file that looks like this: 14:31:002023-10-22 18:44:31OGR vector data tips and tricks