The new version 1.11.0 of GDAL/OGR which offers major new features has been released. GDAL/OGR is a C++ geospatial data access library for raster and vector file formats, databases and web services. It includes bindings for several languages, and a variety of command line tools. 12:31:252023-11-24 23:37:31GDAL/OGR 1.11.0 released 17:12:552024-01-22 22:30:21Scaling up globally: 30 years of FOSS4G development
The second command is opening file_merged.shp in update mode, and trying to find existing layers and append the features being copied. The -nln option sets the name of the layer to be copied to.
Vector map reprojection
We reproject from the source projection (as defined in .prj file) to WGS84/LL:
MAP0: Extract spatial subregion, reproject from NAD83 to WGS84
# coordinate order: W S E N
ogr2ogr -spat 19.95035 -26.94755 29.42989 -17.72624 -t_srs ‘EPSG:4326’ \
polbnda_botswana.shp gltp:/vrf/grass0/warmerdam/v0soa/vmaplv0/soamafr \
Sample ‘where’ statements (use -sql for PostgreSQL driver):
# -where ‘fac_id in (195,196)’
# -where ‘fac_id = 195’
ogrinfo -ro -where ‘fac_id in (195,196)’ \
gltp:/vrf/grass0/warmerdam/v0soa/vmaplv0/soamafr ‘polbnda@bnd(*)_area’
Convert GRASS 6 vector map to SHAPE (needs GDAL-OGR-GRASS plugin):
# -nln is “new layer name” for the result:
ogr2ogr archsites.shp grassdata/spearfish60/PERMANENT/vector/archsites/head 1 \
-nln archsites
Using WKT files with ogr2ogr
The definition is in ESRI WKT format. If you save it to a text file called out.wkt you can do the following in a translation to reproject input latlong points to this coordinate system:
Most comand line options for GDAL/OGR tools that accept a coordinate system will allow you to give the name of a file containing WKT. And if you prefix the filename with ESRI:: the library will interprete the WKT as being ESRI WKT and convert to “standard” format accordingly. The -s_srs switch is assigning a source coordinate system to your input data (in case it didn’t have this properly defined already), and the -t_srs is defining a target coordinate system to reproject to.
TIGER files in OGR
# linear features:
ogr2ogr tiger_lines.shp tgr46081.rt1 CompleteChain
# area features:
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages tgr46081.rt1 tiger_area.shp
OGR CSV driver: easily indicate column types
You can now write a little csv help file to indicate the columns types to OGR. It works as follows. Suppose you have a foobar.csv file that looks like this: 14:31:002023-10-22 18:44:31OGR vector data tips and tricks 19:57:002023-10-22 18:44:32GDAL/OGR 1.5.2 released