Fourth (and last) release candidate of GRASS GIS 6.4.3 with improvements and stability fixes
A fourth release candidate of GRASS GIS 6.4.3 is now available.
Source code download:
grass64/source/ -
grass64/source/grass-6.4.3RC4. tar.gz
Binaries download:
- winGRASS 6.4.3RC4 standalone installer
- winGRASS 6.4.3RC4 in OSGeo4W installer
- Arch Linux
- openSUSE One-Click installer
- Mac OS XÂ 10.6 Snow leopard
- … further packages will follow shortly.
To get the GRASS GIS 6.4.3RC4 source code directly from SVN:
 svn checkout
Key improvements of this release include some new functionality (assistance for topologically unclean vector data), fixes in the vector network modules, fixes for the wxPython based portable graphical interface (attribute table management, wxNVIZ, and Cartographic Composer), fixes in the location wizard for Datum transform selection and support for PROJ.4 version 4.8.0, improvements for selecting the Python version to be used, enhanced portability for MS-Windows (native support, fixes in case of missing system DLLs), and more translations (esp. Romanian).
First time users should explore the first steps tutorial after installation.
Release candidate management at
Please join us in testing this release candidate for the final release.