The OSGeo ticker reports: The OSGeo board has formally approved three new local chapters. OSGeo local chapters provide a venue to support local users and developers, as well as a mechanism to further OSGeo’s mission and goals in a linguistic, or geographic area. FOSSGIS e.V. has been approved as a local chapter for the german […]
Get vector map extent You can easily grep the map extent of a vector map (bounding box): ogrinfo /cdrom/ITALY_GC.SHP ITALY_GC | grep Extent Extent: (9.299460, 43.787362) – (13.911350, 47.070188) Merge of two SHAPE files Merge of two SHAPE files ‘file1.shp’ and ‘file2.shp’ into a new file ‘file_merged.shp’ is performed like this: ogr2ogr file_merged.shp file1.shp ogr2ogr […]
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