
GRASS GIS 7.8.2 released with updated PROJ 6 and GDAL 3 support What’s new in a nutshell As a follow-up to the recent GRASS GIS 7.8.1 we have pusblished the new stable release GRASS GIS 7.8.2. Besides other improvements, the release contains important PROJ 4/5/6 related datum handling fixes, wxGUI fixes and a fix for […]

GRASS GIS is an open source geoinformation system which is developed by a globally distributed team of developers. Besides the source code developers also message translators, people who write documentation, those who report bugs and wishes and more are involved. Early days… from pre-Internet to CVS and SVN While GRASS GIS is under development since […]

What’s new in a nutshell As a follow-up to the recent GRASS GIS 7.8.0 release we have pusblished the new stable release GRASS GIS 7.8.1. Besides improving the Python 3 compatibility efforts have concentrated on implementing PROJ 6 and GDAL 3 support. An overview of the new features in the 7.8 release series is available […]

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