
How nice: the development version of QGIS (in SVN) now comes with WFS support as Marco Hugentobler informs us. And it even works! Let’s see if the new plugin still gets included into the upcoming 0.8 binary release. Since QGIS 0.8 Preview 2 is already available, it will only reach the next release. But thanks […]

The recent FOSS4G2006 conference at Lausanne, Switzerland was a great success. It was amazing to see how many people showed up and how many creative ideas they presented there. From Jody’s blog I took some of the next figures, but obviously the conference merge of this year had a longer story. The Lausanne conference was […]

Impressive: the European petition on public geodata will reach 6500 verified signatures the next days! In total, more than 8000 signatures were already collected… BTW: Did YOU sign?

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