
Frank Warmerdam has published the new FWTools 1.1.0 binaries for linux and win32. FWTools includes OpenEV, GDAL, MapServer, PROJ.4 and OGDI as well as some supporting components. Basic changes are in the Linux version which now includes the addition of PostgreSQL support in OGR, and SOS Server support in MapServer. This release also includes the […]

To my surprise I found an announcement from last week, that the “European Soil Databases” (ESDB) are freely available to the public. In the light of the new INSPIRE directive, the combination of freely & public for European data will apparently remain rare. Of course we are talking free beer/lunch here since “The data are […]

Do you also dislike it to manually convert Excel tables into PostgreSQL? Not having real fun in exporting to CSV, then manually writing the SQL header and importing the stuff in PG? After messing around with tools like, xbase2pg and other stuff, I found this great article today: Bringing data into OpenOffice 2.0’s database […]

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