
A first release candidate of GRASS 6.3.0 is now available:> grass-6.3.0RC1.tar.gz An initial announcement has been drafted at April 2007, further fixes need to be merged in) Key fixes include improved portability for MS-Windows(native support), hundreds of fixes, TclTk basedportable graphical interface and much new functionality. Release candidate management at Please test, test, test…

Also getting mad to connect your vector points to the graph? Stuff like “node is unreachable”? Same thing here, till last week. In GRASS 6.3 (still CVS), the tool was extended to easily connect nodes to a graph. Just specify the vector network map and the nodes map along with a distance threshold to […]

Tomorrow I’ll give a talk at University of Trento about the question why free software development works. Focus will be on GRASS, a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for geospatial data management and analysis, spatial modeling, and visualization. The project has an outstanding history as it was originally started a military project, but in the […]

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