
This is an update release of the GRASS GIS 8.0 series. Download source code tarball at For further release details (bug fixes and enhancements), see The GRASS GIS 8.0.1 release provides more than 20 fixes and improvements with respect to the release 8.0.0. What’s Changed Important fixes utils/mkhtml: fix print warning/fatal message […]

Overview of changes After more than 3 year of development the first stable release GRASS GIS 8.0.0 is available. Efforts have concentrated on making the user experience even better, providing many new useful additional functionalities to modules and further improving the graphical user interface. Breaking news: new graphical user interface with entirely rewritten startup sequence! […]

Overview of changes After more than 3 year of development the first stable release GRASS GIS 8.0.0 is available. Efforts have concentrated on making the user experience even better, providing many new useful additional functionalities to modules and further improving the graphical user interface. Breaking news: new graphical user interface with entirely rewritten startup sequence! […]

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