
A “GRASS Community Sprint” will take place in May in Prague, Czech Republic directly following the upcoming Geoinformatics FCE CTU 2011 conference. This GRASS Community Sprint is a great occasion for you to support the development by actively contributing to the source code, the manuals or likewise. It is a get together for GRASS project […]

OSGeo turns 5! Happy birthday… Time flies – already five years passed after the “Chicago weekend” on 4th February 2006 when the Free and Open Source GIS umbrella foundation, today known as OSGeo Foundation was designed and established. Indeed, it was an intensive weekend when a group of GIS project leaders and likeminded people gathered […]

Working in research or likewise? The ongoing Web evolution is bringing us new tools to reduce annoying work to minimum. Enjoy our link collection for saving quite some time when having to exchange documents, information or draft new documents quickly together from scratch… Topics covered: Tired of sending proposal or article drafts per email? Writing […]

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