
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation would like to open nominations for the 2015 Sol Katz Award for Geospatial Free and Open Source Software. The Sol Katz Award for Geospatial Free and Open Source Software (GFOSS) will be given to individuals who have demonstrated leadership in the GFOSS community. Recipients of the award will have contributed […]

Sometimes, we developers get reports via mailing list that this & that would not work on whatever operating system. Now what? Should we be so kind and install the operating system in question in order to reproduce the problem? Too much work… but nowadays it has become much easier to perform such tests without having […]

After months of development a first release candidate of GRASS GIS 6.4.5 is now available. This is a stability release of the GRASS GIS 6 line. Source code download: Binaries download: To get the GRASS GIS 6.4.5RC1 source code directly from SVN: svn checkout Key improvements: Key improvements of the GRASS […]

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