Short Introduction to Geostatistical and Spatial Data Analysis with GRASS and R statistical data language

[Table of contents - Learning R - R and DBMS - GRASS GIS and R - Installation for GRASS 5 - Installation for GRASS 6]
DRAFT Document!

Connecting R to RDBMS

For unknown reasons the R/PostgreSQL interface is not part of CRAN, but of BioConductor.

Method 1: Connecting R to PostgreSQL via Rdbi:

Installation: Get and install the Rdbi and Rdbi.PgSQL packages from BioConductor:

  1. Find out current version number at BioConductor, watch out for "BioC VERSION" (e.g., "BioC 2.0"), remember VERSION for installation;
  2. Do the download and installation as described below:
##### Non-Mac users:
# within R, simply do the next two steps (non-Mac users):

install.packages("Rdbi", repos=rS, dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages("RdbiPgSQL", repos=rS, dependencies=TRUE)

##### Mac users:
# within R, simply do the next two steps (Mac users):

install.packages("Rdbi", repos=rS, type="source", dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages("RdbiPgSQL", repos=rS, type="source", dependencies=TRUE)
Note that date/time types from PostgreSQL are treated as strings (but strptime() works to convert date/time).

Usage example:

# conn becomes an object which contains the DB connection:
conn <- dbConnect(PgSQL(), host="", dbname="mydatabase", user="myuser")
# see if the connection works (should report the list of table(s) if table(s) are existing):

Reading data from PostgreSQL:

# create an object which contains the SQL query:
query <- dbSendQuery(conn, "select mycolumn from mytable")

# fetch data according to query:
mydata <- dbGetResult(query)

# see the data structure:
`data.frame':   7641 obs. of  1 variable:
 $ mycolumn: num   4.88 10.64 14.24 14.25 21.86 ...

# another query:
query <- dbSendQuery(conn, "select * from streams_length")
mydata <- dbGetResult(query)
'data.frame':   99 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ cat   : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ length: num  1273  496  392  134  208 ...

Other example: reading monthly meteo data (we'll use DateTime class)

conn <- dbConnect(PgSQL(), host="", dbname="zecche", user= "xxx")
query <- dbSendQuery(conn, "SELECT * FROM pat_monthly_mean_90_99_view
       WHERE date < '01-01-1991' order by date,station")

#NOTE if you use DateTime classes, better load as list
month.mean.temp <- as.list(dbGetResult(query))

#update date from char to DateTime class, date will be stored as 'POSIXlt':
month.mean.temp$date <- strptime(month.mean.temp$date, "%m-%d-%Y")

names(month.mean.temp) <- c("east","north","quota","station","statid","date","tmonth","unid")


#xyplot only accepts POSIXct. So we change the list to a dataframe 
#(this will convert POSIXlt -> POSIXct):
month.mean.temp <-
xyplot(tmonth ~ quota | as.character(station), data=month.mean.temp)
xyplot(tmonth ~ date  | as.character(station), data=month.mean.temp)
bwplot(tmonth ~ date  | as.character(station), data=month.mean.temp)

#see only station 550:
xyplot(tmonth ~ date | as.character(stazione),
       data=month.mean.temp[month.mean.temp$station==550,], type="l")
#                                                      ^^^

Appending data to PostgreSQL table (the table must exist) Note the quotes!

dbAppendTable(conn, "table", mydata)

Writing data to PostgreSQL table (will create table if it doesn't exist). Note the quotes!

dbWriteTable(conn, mydata, "table")

Method 2: Connecting R to PostgreSQL via RODBC:

To connect R to PostgreSQL via ODBC, unixODBC has to be installed (probably it already comes with your Linux CDROMs). Then use 'ODBCConfig' to define the connection to the PostgreSQL server (the name of the server and the database on ODBC, see also here).

Note that RODBC can be significantly slower.

To use it, in R, run:


To use it, run:

#establish connection:
channel <- odbcConnect("zecche",uid="myusername",case="postgresql")
#show tables
sqlTables(channel, "zecche")

#Read a table of an ODBC database into a data frame: 
Tsmallmammals <- sqlFetch(channel, "small_mammals")

#SQL query:
query1 <- sqlQuery(channel, "select * from pat_tempariamassima1440 where date >= '2002-01-01' 
                   and date < '2002-02-01' order by date, stazione")

#update 'date' column to 'POSIXlt' datetime class:
query1$date <- as.character(query1$date)
query1$date <- strptime(query1$date, "%Y-%m-%d")

#lattice plot:
xyplot(valore ~ date | stazione, data=query1)
bwplot(valore ~ date | stazione, data=query1)

#select a single station:
stazione200 <- subset(query1, query1$stazione==200)
plot(stazione200$date, stazione200$valore, type="l", m="Temp max")

#close connection:
That's it.

Small comparison of Rdbi and RODBC/unixODBC timings

Here a test: a table with 7512 obs. (rows) of  151 variables (columns).
Method: I was copy-pasting all commands at the same time, so the
        second Sys.time() was issued immediately.
        Access from my machine via firewall to another machine outside the


> Sys.time()
[1] "2003-11-04 14:25:46 CET"
> query <- dbSendQuery(conn, "select * from small_mammals")
> mydata <- dbGetResult(query)
> Sys.time()
[1] "2003-11-04 14:25:51 CET"

-> 5 seconds

> Sys.time()
[1] "2003-11-04 14:33:06 CET"
> query1 <- sqlQuery(channel, "select * from small_mammals")
> Sys.time()
[1] "2003-11-04 14:37:36 CET"

-> 4:30 minutes

BTW: You may want to enjoy phpPgAdmin: Web Based PostgreSQL Administration Tool to manage the PostgreSQL server or the nice pgAdmin III Tool.

Method 3: Connecting R to mySQL via DBI:

If you want to connect to mySQL, you have to install DBI and RMySQL from CRAN.

Method 4: Connecting R to SQLite via DBI:

If you want to connect to SQLite, you have to install DBI and RSQLite from CRAN.

# define connection:
drv <- dbDriver("SQLite")
conn <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = "/home/user/database/dat/db_datos_cm.db")

# check available tables:

# create an object which contains the SQL query:
query <- dbSendQuery(conn, "SELECT * FROM mytable")

# fetch data according to query:
mydata <- fetch(query, n = -1)


Uploading Excel/CSV spreadsheets to PostgreSQL

This can be done fairly easy with OpenOffice2. See with SQL Databases for details.

© 2003-2006 Markus Neteler
Last update: Last change: $Date: 2007-08-07 12:04:46 +0200 (Tue, 07 Aug 2007) $