
Tyler Mitchell, OSGeo’s Executive Director, illustrates in a recent posting the many highlights from the first year of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. Read more at

The GRASS-News editors and OSGeo Promotion and Visibility Committee announce the first combined GRASS-News / OSGeo-News volume. You can find the full pdf (5.3 MB) as well as PDFs of individual articles on the GRASS webpage: directly via: A first edition of OSGeo-News will be published in 2007 with interesting articles covering various topics of […]

GRASS 6.2.1 is a new stable release which fixes several bugs discovered in the 6.2.0 source code. This release is solely for stability purposes and adds no new features. Besides bug fixes it also includes a number of new message translations, updates for the help pages, and will better handle errors caused by missing or […]

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