The Toronto Code Sprint 2009 – pure productivity: Day 1: Paul, Chris, Mark Day 2: Paul, Chris Day 3: Paul Day 4: Paul … with great benefits for Mapserver, PostGIS, GDAL, GeoTools, … Paul nicely summarizes the Toronto Code Sprint Lessons as well as CampToCamp.
An interesting email thread is ongoing about Top ten myths which try to harm the reputation of Open Source GIS efforts. Michael P. Gerlek edits a Wiki page collecting the top ~10 myths and misperceptions: Especially striking the Eduardo Kanegae‘s comment: In 2008 I worked on a project all based on ESRI 9.2 family. At […]
The new winGRASS 6.4.0RC2 is now available! It has been packaged into the OSGeo4W installer which also provides QGIS, Mapserver, GDAL and other goodies. OSGeo4W has two modes – express and advanced: “Express” gives you a short list of suggested packages to select from which have been widely tested. “Advanced” gives a long detailed list […]
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