
Frank Warmerdam, project lead, has announced the immediate release of the PROJ 4.7.0 Cartographic Projections library. The new version is available from: Important is the regeneration of the “nad/epsg” init file with EPSG 7.1 database which now includes support for the Google Mercator (EPSG:3857). Furthermore, a substantial acceleration in some application environments is gained […]

In a recent USGS press release I found: “Although the USGS does not have detailed records since the mission’s inception in 1972, there is good evidence that more data have been distributed in the last 6 months than in the entire first 36 years of the Landsat missions combined.” Amazing, no? Don’t have to say […]

The recent publication of the ASTER GDEM (30m) is a great step towards a worldwide high resolution elevation model. I have done some test in the Southern Alps around Trento which is among the most complex terrains in Europe. The scope was to calculate a difference map to the local high resolution DEM. The steps […]

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