Selected Conference Presentations

On this page I share a curated selection of my conference presentations in the areas of geospatial analysis, earth observation, and open source GIS development. Since 1999, I have had the privilege of presenting at various prestigious events, sharing insights on innovations in open data products, the state of GRASS GIS, and scientific modeling related to vector-borne diseases, among other topics.


  • Neteler, M., Haas, J., Krisztian, L., Metz, M., Wint, W. (2024): The role of environmental covariates for disease outbreak monitoring. Session B: Lessons learned on disease-X. MOOD H2020 Final meeting, Rome, Italy, 26-27 November 2024 (Video)
  • Neteler, M. (2024): Celebrating four decades of innovation: The GRASS GIS Project (keynote). FOSS4G-Asia 2024, 15-18 Dec. 2024, Bangkok, Thailand [Abstract | Slides]
  • Neteler, M., GRASS Development Team (2024). Stand des GRASS GIS Projekts: Nicht was Sie denken! FOSSGIS 2024 Hamburg [Video & Slides]
  • Neteler, M., Tawalika, C., (2024). actinia wachsen Blätter: Geoprozessierung und Visualisierung mit Leafmap in Jupyter. FOSSGIS 2024 Hamburg [Video & Slides]
  • Ponti, L., Andrew Paul, G., Metz, M., Haas, J., Panzenböck, E., Neteler, M., Baldacchino, F., Ambrico, A., Baviello, G., Calvitti, M., Dell’Aquila, A., Calmanti, S., Lampazzi, E., Miceli, V., Cuna, D., Stocchino, F., & Carroccio, D. (2024). Realistic daily dynamics of olive and olive fly at 250 m resolution using cloud-gap-filled canopy temperature data from MODIS LST calibrated with MODIS NDVI. Super – Resolution and Downscaling for EO and Earth Science (SUREDOS24), 29-31 May 2024, Frascati, Italy. Zenodo. [DOI | Poster]
  • Tawalika, C., Neteler, M. (2024). Oberflächenklassifikation aus Luft- und Satellitenbildern mit Hilfe von actinia. FOSSGIS 2024 Hamburg [Video & Slides]
  • Tawalika, C., Neteler, M. (2024). Wie schreibe ich ein GRASS GIS Addon? FOSSGIS 2024 Hamburg [Video & Slides]
  • White, C., Petras, V., Neteler, M. (2024). GRASS GIS as Geocomputational Engine. FOSS4G NA 2024, St. Louis Missouri. 2024-09-10. [Slides]


  • Neteler, M. (2023): Innovations in Open Data Products and Cloud-based Geoprocessing. Seminariile Bucarest, Romania 2023, 2023-10-27 (abstract | slides | video | Github)
  • Landa, M., Petrasova, A., Petras, V., Andreo, V., Neteler, M., and the GRASS GIS Development Team (2023): State of GRASS GIS. FOSS4G 2023 Prizren, Kosovo (abstract | video)
  • Neteler, M. (2023): data.mundialis: eine Sammlung neuer offener Datenprodukte! Demosession. FOSSGIS 2023, Berlin, Germany (abstract | slides | Github)
Markus Neteler speaking at ESA BIDS conference 2019


  • Dagostin, F., Tagliapietra, V., Marini, G., Cataldo, C., Bellenghi, M., Pizzarelli, S., Wint, W., Alexander, N., Neteler, M., Haas, J., Rocchini, D., Cervellini, M., Dub, T., Busani, L., Rizzoli, A. (2022). Assessing the ecological covariates related to tick-borne encephalitis emergence in Europe. In: ICLB: 16th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Sept 4-7, 2022: 94-95. handle. Keywords: Tick-borne encephalitis, Vector-borne diseases, Tick-borne diseases, One health, Modelling, Statistics
  • Dagostin, F., Tagliapietra, V., Marini, G., Rocchini, D., Cervellini, M., Cataldo, C., Bellenghi, M., Pizzarelli, S., Cammarano, R., Wint, W., Alexander, N., Neteler, M., Haas, J., Dub, T., Busani, L., Rizzoli, A. (2022). Does high habitat diversity reduce the risk of TBE in Europe? In: Identify signs and drivers of zoonotic diseases emergence and digital data resources for epidemic intelligence. Trento, Sept 28-29, 2022. San Michele all’Adige (TN): Fondazione Edmund Mach: 17-18. handle. Keywords: Tick borne encephalitis, Biodiversity, Habitat diversity, Statistics, Modelling, Europe
  • Neteler, M., Andreo, V., Petras, V., Petrasova, A., and the GRASS GIS Development Team (2022): GRASS GIS 8: from Desktop to Big Data Cubes. Open Source Geospatial Slovenija, 13. oktober 2022, Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije. Ljubljana, Slovenia. (video | slides |GitHub)


  • Neteler, M. (2021): Earth observation and GIS in health related topics. Geomatik-Seminar an der Universität Bonn, Medizinische Fernerkundung/GIS. Jan. 2021
  • Neteler, M. (2021): Ein Ausblick auf das kommende GRASS GIS 8. FOSSGIS 2021, 6-9 June 2021. (video)
  • Neteler, M. (2021): actinia: geoprocessamento nel cloud (workshop), supported by L. Delucchi. Corsi GEAM e GFOSS 2020-2021, Italy, March 12, 2021, 2:30-6:30 p.m., online, (material)
  • Riembauer, G., Metz, M. , Neteler, M., Haas, J. (2021): Cold war reconnaissance imagery reloaded: orthorectifying the 1960s in high resolution. FOSS4G 2021 Buenos Aires, Argentinia (abstract)
  • Tawalika, C., Neteler, M., Weinmann, A., Riembauer, G. (2021): News from actinia. FOSS4G 2021 Buenos Aires, Argentinia (abstract)
  • Riembauer, G., Weinmann, A., Tawalika, C., Andreo, V., Delucchi, L. , Fagandini, R., Neteler, M. (2021): Sentinel processing in GRASS GIS: A growing toolset for downloading, preprocessing and multitemporal analysis of Copernicus Sentinel data. FOSS4G 2021 Buenos Aires, Argentinia (abstract)


  • Neteler, M. (2020): Geoprocessing in the cloud with actinia. DOI Open Source Geospatial Meeting, USA, October 29, 2020 7:00-8:00 p.m., online
  • Tawalika, C., Neteler, M. (2020): GRASS GIS in der Cloud: actinia Geoprozessierung. FOSSGIS 2020 Freiburg.


  • Neteler, M. (2019): Die Open Source Geoprozessierungsplattform actinia. Neue Perspektiven der Erdbeobachtung, 2. Symposium zur angewandten Satellitenerdbeobachtung, 12.-13. Nov. 2019, Köln, Germany
  • Tawalika, C., Neteler, M. (2019): GRASS GIS in the cloud: actinia geoprocessing FOSS4G 2019, Bucharest, Romania (talk | video)
  • Neteler, M. (2019): State of GRASS GIS Project: 35 years is nothing! FOSS4G 2019, Bucharest, Romania (talk | video)
  • Neteler, M. (2019): How digging in the earth for the fibre roll-out took GRASS to the cloud. FOSS4G 2019, Bucharest, Romania (talk | video)
  • Neteler, M. (2019): Beispiele des Einsatzes von Erdbeobachtungsdaten in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung. Industrie im Dialog: Mit Raumfahrt die Zukunft gestalten. Deutsches Museum Bonn, 12. Feb 2019
  • Neteler, M. (2019): Open Source business in practice: Earth observation and more. Invited Presentation at Czech Technical University, Prag. Feb 2019





  • Andreo, V., Dogliotti, A.I., Tauro, C., Neteler, M. (2015). Spatio-temporal variations in chlorophyll-a concentration in the Patagonic continental shelf: an example of satellite time series processing with GRASS GIS temporal modules. In: IGARSS 2015 – IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium: Remote sensing: understanding the earth for a safer world, Milan, Italy, July 26-31, 2015.
  • Anfora, G., Rossi Stacconi, M.V., Wiman, N.G., Bhattacharia, S., Walton, V.M., Grassi, A., Neteler, M., Ioriatti, C., Pugliese, A. (2015): Validazione di un modello di sviluppo delle popolazioni di Drosophila suzukii basato sulla temperatura come strumento per la valutazione del rischio di attacchi e la gestione territoriale. AIAM 2015 – XVIII Convegno Nazionale di Agrometeorologia, 9-11 June 2015, S. Michele all’Adige (TN), Italy.
  • Chemin, Y., Petras, V., Petrasova, A., Landa, M., Gebbert, S., Zambelli, P., Neteler, M., Löwe, P., Di Leo, M. (2015). GRASS GIS: a peer-reviewed scientific platform and future research repository. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 12–17 April 2015. [PDF]
  • Marcantonio, M., Baldacchino, F., Metz, M., Rosá, R., Kleinschmit B., Förster, M., Arnoldi, D., Bussola, F., Montarsi, F., Capelli, G., Neteler, M., Rizzoli, A. (2015). Species distribution modeling of a new invasive mosquito: a Bayesian approach. In: International Biogeography Society 7th Biennial Meeting. 8–12 January 2015, Bayreuth, Germany: PS2.10. [HTML]
  • Neteler, M. (2015): GRASS GIS 7: Efficiently processing big geospatial data. FOSDEM, 31 Jan – 1 Feb 2015, Brussels
  • Pareeth, S., Delucchi, L., Metz, M., Salmaso, N., Neteler, M. (2015): An open source framework for processing daily satellite images (AVHRR) over last 28 years. FOSS4G-Europe, July 14th – 17th 2015, Como, Italy.
  • Pareeth, S., Delucchi, L., Metz, M., Buzzi, F., Leoni, B., Ludovisi, A., Morabito, G., Salmaso, N., Neteler, M. (2015). Inter-sensor comparison of lake surface temperatures derived from MODIS, AVHRR and AATSR thermal bands. In: Ban, Y. (edited by), The 35th EARSeL Symposium European Remote Sensing: progress, challenges and opportunities, June 15-18, 2015, Stockholm, Sweden: 110-111. [PDF]
  • Petras, V., Petrasova, A., Chemin, Y., Zambelli, P., Landa, M., Gebbert, S., Neteler, M., Löwe, P. (2015). Analyzing rasters, vectors and time series using new Python interfaces in GRASS GIS 7. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 12 – 17 April 2015. [PDF]
  • Rizzoli, A., Hauffe, H.C., Kazimirova, M., Neteler, M., Rosà, R., Sironen, T., Stanko, M., Tagliapietra, V., Vapalahti, O., Voutilainen, L., Henttonen, H. (2015). Temporal changes in rodent- and tick-borne diseases in Europe: how are they linked? In: GERI 2015: Genes, Ecosystems and Risk of Infection. 21-23 April 2015, Heraklion, Crete, Greece: Poster 4.16.
  • Rocchini, D., Comber, A., Garzon-Lopez, C.X., Neteler, M., Barbosa, A.M., Marcantonio, M., Groom, Q., da Costa Fonte, C., Foody, G.M. (2015). Explicitly accounting for uncertainty in crowdsourced data for species distribution modelling. 9th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality (ISSDQ 2015), September 29th-30th 2015, Montpellier, la Grande Motte, France.
  • Rocchini, D., Marcantonio, M., Foody, G.M., Garzon-Lopez, C.X., He, K.S., Kuehn, I., Metz, M., Neteler, M., Turner, W., Hortal, J. (2015). Uncertainty surfaces and maps of ignorance: the possibility of spatially estimating dark diversity. 58th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science, July 19th-24th 2015, Brno, Czech Republic.
  • Zorer, R., Delucchi, L., Rocchini, D., Fadini, A., Neteler, M. (2015): Servizi meteo previsionali sul Web: una opportunità per la ricerca e la modellistica. AIAM 2015 – XVIII Convegno Nazionale di Agrometeorologia, 9-11 June 2015, S. Michele all’Adige (TN), Italy.
  • Zorer, R., Delucchi, L., Rocchini, D., Floretta, C., Fadini, A., Neteler, M. (2015). Uso di servizi meteorologici online per lo sviluppo di modelli di maturazione dell’uva a partire da analisi pre-vendemmiali. In: Fiera Agricola del Santerno Imola, Imola, 19-21 June 2015. (handle)


  • Delucchi, L., Neteler, M. (2014): Gli ultimi sviluppi di GRASS GIS e le prospettive future. XV MEETING degli utenti italiani GRASS e GFOSS, 12-14 Feb 2014, Palermo, Italy
  • Lieberwirth, U., Fritsch, B., Metz, M., Neteler, M., Kühnle, K. (2014). Applying Low Budget Equipment and Open Source Software for High Resolution Documentation of Archaeological Stratigraphy and Features. Proceedings CAA 2013: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) Annual Conference 2013, Perth, Australia. pp. 390-405
  • Marcantonio M., Rizzoli A., Metz M., Rosà R., Marini G., Chadwick E., Neteler M. (2014). Disentangling the ecological conditions affecting West Nile Virus hazard in the Old World. Oral presentation, Joint Conference: German Symposium On Zoonoses Research 2014 and 7th International Conference On Emerging Zoonoses, Berlin, October 16-17, 2014.
  • Mitasova, H., Stepinski, T., Jasiewicz, J., Neteler, M., Gebbert, S. (2014). Analysis of Giga-size Earth Observation Data in Open Source GRASS GIS 7 – from Desktop to On-line Solutions (invited, IN22A-03) Dec 15-19, 2014, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, USA
  • Neteler, M., Rocchini, D., Delucchi, L., Metz, M. (2014): Deriving environmental indicators from massive spatial time series using open source GIS. Geospatial Analytics Forum, 4 Sep 2014, Center for Geospatial Analytics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh (NC), USA (Slides)
  • Neteler, M. and GRASS Development Team (2014): GRASS GIS 7: your reliable geospatial number cruncher. FOSS4G 2014, 8-13 Sept 2014, Portland (OR), USA (Slides)
  • Neteler, M., Metz, M., Rocchini, D., Marcantonio, M., Delucchi, L., Anfora, G., Rosà, R, Rizzoli, A (2014): Assessing the distribution of disease vectors and fruit crop pests from satellite in GRASS GIS 7. FOSS4G 2014, 8-13 Sept 2014, Portland (OR), USA
  • Neteler, M., Metz, M., Rocchini, D., Marcantonio, M., Delucchi, L., Rosà, R, Rizzoli, A (2014): Deriving environmental indicators from massive spatial time series for ecohealth modelling. 15 Sept 2014, Center for Vectorborne Diseases, University of California, Davis (USA)
  • Neteler, M., Metz, M., Rocchini, D., Marcantonio, M., Delucchi, L., Rosà, R, Rizzoli, A (2014): Deriving environmental indicators from massive spatial time series for ecohealth modelling. 18 Sept 2014, Ecohealth Alliance, NY (USA)
  • Pareeth, S., Metz, M., Neteler, M., Bresciani, M., Buzzi, F., Leoni, B., Ludovisi, A., Morabito, G., Salmaso, N. (2014). Monitoring and retrieving historical daily surface temperature of sub-alpine Lakes from space. In: 15th World Lake Conference (WLC15): Lakes: the mirror of the earth: balancing ecosystem integrity and human wellbeing, Perugia, 1-5 Sept 2014: (handle)
  • Pareeth, S., Metz, M., Rocchini, D., Salmaso, N., Adrian, R., Neteler, M. (2014). Lake surface temperature as a proxy of climate change – Satellite observations versus multi probe data (poster). In: The Climate Symposium 2014, Darmstadt, Germany, 13 – 17 Oct 2014 (Poster PDF)
  • Rocchini, D., Foody, G.M., Ricotta, C., Marcantonio, M., Delucchi, L., Metz, M., Neteler, M., 2014. Estimating biodiversity in a Free and Open Source environment. Presented at the ForestSAT2014: a bridge between forest sciences, remote sensing and geo-spatial applications, 4-7 Nov 2014, Riva del Garda (TN), Italy.
  • Rosà R., Marini G., Bolzoni L., Neteler M., Metz M., Delucchi L., Chadwick E.A., Balbo L., Mosca A., Giacobini M., Bertolotti L., Rizzoli A. (2014). Early warning of West Nile virus mosquito vector: climate and land use models successfully explain phenology and abundance of culex pipiens mosquitoes in north-western Italy. Oral presentation, Joint Conference: German Symposium on Zoonoses Research 2014 and 7th International Conference On Emerging Zoonoses, Berlin, October 16-17, 2014.
  • Salmaso, N., Pareeth, S., Cerasino, L., Neteler, M. (2014). Strong Coupling Between Winter Climatic Fluctuations and Development of Phytoplankton in the Deep Lakes South of the Alps Assessed Using Long-Term in Situ and Satellite Temperature Data (invited, H13N-03) Dec 15-19, 2014, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, USA
  • Salmaso, N., Tolotti, M., Milan, M., Shams, S., Capelli, C., Boscaini, A., Pareeth, S., Neteler, M., Cerasino, L. (2014). Impact of anthropogenic pressures and long-term climate changes on the trophic state of Lake Garda (Northern Italy): a multidisciplinary assessment. In: 15th World Lake Conference (WLC15): Lakes: the mirror of the earth: balancing ecosystem integrity and human wellbeing, Perugia, 1-5 Sept 2014: (handle)


  • Boninsegna, C., Bettega, G., Gubert, D., Delucchi, L., Rocchini, D., Neteler, M., Molnar, G., Kutics, K. (2013). EULAKES model as support for decision making. Eulakes final event, 19 Sept 2013, Torri del Benaco, Italy
  • Cini, A., Grassi, A., Neteler, M., Papini, A., Santosuosso, U., & Anfora, G. (2013). Development of monitoring and GIS systems to assess distribution and diffusion of D. suzukii. Paper presented at COST-Action FA 1104 Meeting – WG3 Crop Protection: Advances and prospects on monitoring and modelling of Drosophila suzukii in Europe, Wädenswil, Switzerland. (handle)
  • Delucchi, L., Neteler, M. 2013. pyModis: the Python library for MODIS data. FOSS4G 2013, 17-22 Sep 2013, Nottingham, England.
  • Delucchi, L., Neteler, M. 2013. GRASS GIS 7: ecco cosa non potete aspettare. XIV Meeting degli utenti di lingua Italiana di GRASS e GFOSS, 6-9 Feb 2013, Genova, Italy ( PDF )
  • Delucchi, L., Neteler, M. 2013. GRASS GIS 7 News. WhereCamp EU 2013, Rome
  • Lieberwirth, U., Fritsch, B., Neteler, M., & Metz, M. (2013). Applying low budget equipment and Open Source Software for high resolution documentation of archaeological stratigraphy. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) Annual Conference 2013, Perth, Australia.
  • Marcantonio, M., Neteler, M., Rosà, R., Metz, M., Marini, G., Rizzoli, A. (2013). Understanding the environmental drivers of West Nile Virus (WNV) emergence in Europe. XIII Società Italiana di Ecologia (SItE), Ancona, 16-18 Settembre 2013
  • Neteler, M., 2013: Scaling up globally: 30 years of FOSS4G development (invited keynote). FOSS4G Central and Eastern Europe (FOSS4G-CEE 2013), 16-20 June 2013, Bucharest, Romania (slideshare)
  • Neteler, M., 2013: News in GRASS GIS 7. Plenary talk at FOSS4G Central and Eastern Europe (FOSS4G-CEE 2013), 16-20 June 2013, Bucharest, Romania (slideshare)
  • Neteler, M., Marcantonio, M., Rocchini, D., Rosà, R., Rizzoli, A., Metz, M. 2013: Environmental factors for eco-epidemiological modeling from space. Invited presentation at ECDC expert meeting on Environmental Precursors of Infectious Diseases: the E3 Network, 13-14 Nov 2013. ECDC Stockholm, Sweden
  • Neteler, M., Metz, M., Rosà, R., Rizzoli, A. 2013. West Nile Virus: Environmental Factors for eco-epidemiological modeling. FP7 EWN Annual Meeting 2013, 5-8 Mar 2013, Madrid, Spain
  • Pareeth S., Metz M., Rocchini D., Salmaso N., Neteler M. 2013. Warm Lakes – Retrieval of lake surface water temperature (LSWT) for large sub-alpine lakes from multiple sensor satellite imageries. XXI Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di oceanologia e limnologia A.I.O.L. “Limnologia e Oceanografia nel Terzo Millennio: nuove frontiere o assenza di frontiere?”. 23 – 26 settembre 2013, Terrazza Mare – Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD), Italy
  • Pareeth, S., Metz, M., Rocchini, D., Salmaso, N., Neteler, M. 2013. Lake surface water temperature (LSWT) for large sub alpine lakes from satellite sensor derived surface temperature. Workshop Quality and sustainable use of water resources in Lake Garda and in other large water bodies in Europe: experiences within the project EULAKES, Gardone Riviera (BS). (Handle)
  • Rizzoli A., Arnoldi D., Hauffe, H.C., Kazimirova, M., Neteler, M., Rosà, R., Rosso, F., Stanko, M., Tagliapietra, V., Voutilainen, L., Henttonen, H. (2013). Identifying the hazards correlated with rodent and tick-borne diseases in Europe. In: Huitu, O. & Henttonen, H. (eds). 2013. The 9th European Vertebrate Pest Management Conference. Metla: Finnish Forest Research Institute: 48 (O50) (handle)
  • Rosà, R., Marini, G., Bolzoni, L., Neteler, M., Metz, M., Delucchi, L., Balbo, L., Mosca, A., Giacobini, M., Bertolotti, L., Rizzoli, A., 2013: Environmental and landscape factors associated with West Nile vector population dynamics in North-western Italy. . XIII Società Italiana di Ecologia (SItE), Ancona, 16-18 Settembre 2013
  • Rosà, R., Bolzoni, L., Marini, G., Delucchi, L., Metz, M., Neteler, M., Rizzoli, A. (2013). Climatic and environmental early predictorsof mosquito population dynamics in North-western Italy. In: EuroWestNile Project Annual Meeting, Madrid, 5-8 March 2013. (handle)


  • Beierkuhnlein, C., Neteler, M. (session chairs): Vector-borne diseases and climate warming. Session GCG 26-01 at IGC 2012, 26-30 Aug. 2012, Cologne, Germany
  • Fritsch, B., Lieberwirth, U., Neteler, M., Metz, M., 2012: Methodological contest between high-end hardware and low-cost equipment for archaeological documentation. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology conference (CAA 2012), 26-30 March 2012, University of Southampton, UK [ Abstract ]
  • Delucchi L., Neteler M., 2012: GRASS GIS nella nuvola informatica. XIII Meeting degli utenti di lingua Italiana di GRASS e GFOSS, 15-17 Feb 2012, Trieste, Italy [ PDF ]
  • Ghisla A., Rocchini D., Metz M., Landa M., Neteler M., 2012: Confronto del codice di diversi pacchetti software per risalire alle cause delle differenze nei risultati: Ordinary kriging in ambiente FOSS. XIII Meeting degli utenti di lingua Italiana di GRASS e GFOSS, 15-17 Feb 2012, Trieste, Italy [ PDF ]
  • Neteler, M., 2012: invitation to participate in the “WHO Forum on Health Data Standardization and Interoperability”, 3-4 Dec 2012, Geneve, CH: WHO Executive Board Room
  • Neteler, M., 2012: Open Source GIS: An Opportunity for Public Health. Action Team 6 Follow-Up Initiative (AT6FUI). Improving Public Health through Space Technology Applications: An Open Community Approach (OCA). 30 July – 1 August 2012, United Nations Campus Bonn, Germany
  • Neteler, M., Metz, M., Rocchini, D., Delucchi,L., Rizzoli,A., 2012: Spatial Epidemiology with Open Source GIS. Action Team 6 Follow-Up Initiative (AT6FUI). Improving Public Health through Space Technology Applications: An Open Community Approach (OCA). 30 July – 1 August 2012, United Nations Campus Bonn, Germany
  • Neteler, M., Rocchini, D., Zorer, R., Delucchi, L., Metz, M., 2012. Creating a gap-free time series of daily MODIS Land Surface Temperature maps. SASEV conference, 12. November 2012, Stellenbosch, South Africa
  • Neteler M., 2012: WP9 progress report: Data from ground and space. Eurowestnile EU/FP7 annual meeting, March 2012, Brescia
  • Neteler, M., 2012: From Open Source to Open Science (invited keynote). FOSS4G-CEE & Geoinformatics 2012 – FOSS4G-CEE – Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial in Central and Eastern Europe, 21-23 May 2012, Prague, Czech Republic [ Slides ]
  • Neteler, M., Metz, M., Rocchini, D., Delucchi, L., Ponti, L., 2012: Freie Software und infektiöse Krankheiten: Von Rohdaten zu ökologischen Indikatoren. FOSSGIS Konferenz 2012, 20-22 March 2012, Dessau, Germany. [ Slides + Video ]
  • Rizzoli, A., Henttonen, H., Ducheyne, E., Hauffe, H.; Hendrickx, G., Leirs, H., Neteler, M., Rosà, R., Tagliapietra, V., Tersago, K., Voutilainen, K., Wint, W., Lancelot, R., 2012. Building an early warning system for tick- and rodent-born diseases in Europe. The 13th Rodens et spatium: international conference on rodent biology, Rovaniemi, Finland.
  • Rocchini D., Metz M., Ricotta C., Neteler M., 2012: Fast & Furious: trasformate Fourier per la stima della frammentazione del paesaggio. XIII Meeting degli utenti di lingua Italiana di GRASS e GFOSS, Trieste, Italy [ PDF ]
  • Salmaso, N. Metz, M., Neteler, M., 2012: Long-term temperature changes in the large Italian lakes assessment of trends and impacts using long-term in situ and satellite-based data (poster).Global Lake Temperature Collaboration (GLTC) Workshop, 1 – 5 June in Lincoln, Nebraska.


  • Neteler, M., 2011: Climatic factors driving disease vector invasions in Europe: the tiger mosquito spread and other cases. Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research, University of Bayreuth, invited talk 17 Nov 2011. [ Abstract ]
  • Delucchi, L., Neteler,M, 2011: GRASS GIS in the Cloud. FOSS4G 2011, Denver, USA, 12-16 September 2011
  • Zorer, R., Rocchini, D., Delucchi, L., Zottele, F., Meggio, F., Neteler, M., 2011. Use of multi-annual MODIS Land Surface Temperature data for the characterization of the heat requirements for grapevine varieties. In: Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Images, Multi-Temp 2011, 6th International Workshop on the. Presented at the Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Images (Multi-Temp), 2011 6th International Workshop on the, IEEE, pp. 225-228. (DOI)
  • Neteler, M., 2011: Community based GIS development: GRASS GIS and OSGeo (invited expert presentation). IES, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy (July 2011)
  • Neteler, M., Metz, M. (2011): Introduction to GRASS GIS. GEOSTAT 2011 workshop, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany. (slides, see page attachments)
  • Rocchini, D., Delucchi, L., Bacaro, G., Cavallini, P., Feilhauer, H., Foody, G.M., He, K.S., Nagendra, H., Porta, C., Ricotta, C., Schmidtlein, S., Spano, L.D., Wegmann, M., Neteler, M. (2011). Calculating generalized entropy as a measure of landscape diversity in an Open Source space. 54th Meeting of the International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS), Lyon, France, 20-24 June 2011 (book of abstracts)
  • Neteler, M., Metz, M., Delucchi, L., Marcantonio, M., Rocchini, D., 2011: From historical aerial maps to a biotope map: ecologial image processing in GRASS GIS. Geoinformatics FCE CTU 2011, 19-20 May, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Rocchini, D., Balkenhol, N., Delucchi, L., Ghisla, A., Jordan, F., Nagendra, H., Vernesi, C., Wegmann, M., Neteler, M., 2011. Open Source spatial algorithms applied to landscape genetics. 7th ECEM (European Conference on Ecological Modelling), Riva del Garda, 30 May-1 June 2011 (book of abstracts)
  • Roiz, D., Neteler, M., Rizzoli, A., 2011: Fattori climatici che determinano la distribuzione, abbondanza e attività di Aedes albopictus e potenziali effetti legati al cambiamento climatico. Convegno Malattie emergenti trasmesse da vettori: il rischio da zanzare Aedes. Regione Milano Marittina (Cervia), 9-10 May 2011
  • Neteler, M. 2011: GRASS GIS e Sextante. Quarte Giornate Italiane di gvSIG. Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Udine, 19-21 Aprile 2011 (PDF presentation)
  • Zorer R., Rocchini D., Delucchi L., Neteler M., 2011: Derivazione dell’indice bioclimatico di Winkler a partire da mappe telerilevate MODIS-LST. GRASS and FOSS4G-IT user meeting 2011, Trento, Italy
  • Rocchini D., Delucchi L., Cavallini P., Porta C., Spano L.D., Neteler M., 2011: Misura della complessità ecosistemica da immagini telerilevate in ambiente Open Source. GRASS and FOSS4G-IT user meeting 2011, Trento, Italy [PDF]
  • Neteler, M., 2011: Cinque anni di OSGeo: una panoramica a 360 gradi (Invited Keynote). GRASS and FOSS4G-IT user meeting 2011, Trento, Italy




  • M. Neteler, 2008: Free GIS Software meets zoonotic diseases: From raw data to ecological indicators , Proc. FOSS4G 2008, 29 Sept-3 Oct 2008, Cape Town, South Africa [ Abstract ]
  • M. Neteler, 2008: Trends in development of Free and Open Source Software for Geomatics (FOSS4G). Invited keynote. Proc. CASCADOSS EU/FP6 International Symposium, 16 June 2008 in Warsaw, Poland.
  • M. Neteler, M. ?oskot, 2008: Workshop WG1: FOSS4G and GI technology for GI community, scientist and GIS practitioners Proc. CASCADOSS EU/FP6 International Information Workshop, 17 June 2008 in Warsaw, Poland.
  • M. Neteler, 2008: GRASS GIS in der OSGeo Community. Invited keynote. Proc. FOSSGIS 2008, 1-3 April, Freiburg, Germany [ Abstract ]
  • M. Neteler, H. Mitasova, L. Bezzi, A. Bezzi, 2008: Open Source software development for geo-spatial data analysis and visualization Proc. 6th ARIDA Workshop on “Innovations in 3D Measurement, Modeling and Visualization”, 25-26 Feb 2008, B. Kessler Foundation, Trento, Italy
  • M. Neteler and GRASS Development Team, 2008: Sviluppi futuri di GRASS GIS. Proc. IX Meeting degli Utenti Italiani di GRASS – GFOSS – 21-22 Feb 2008, Perugia, Italy [ Abstract ]
  • M. Landa, C. Moretto, M. Neteler, M. Zanolli, L. Manganelli, 2008: wxPython GUI per GRASS GIS. Proc. IX Meeting degli Utenti Italiani di GRASS – GFOSS – 21-22 Feb 2008, Perugia, Italy [ Abstract ]




  • M. Neteler, 2005: GRASS 6: new features for a growing Open Source GIS community, invited keynote for Open Source Geospatial ’05 Conference, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN USA (June 16-18, 2005) [ PDF ]
  • Workshop: Open Source Geoinformatics with GRASS GIS, Open Source Geospatial ’05 Conference, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN USA (June 16-18, 2005) [ Workshop material | OSG ’05 workshop page ]
  • S. Endrizzi, G. Bertoldi, M. Neteler, and R. Rigon, 2005. Reproduction of snow melting spatial patterns with the hydrologic model GEOtop. 2nd EGU General Assembly. Poster. In European Geophysical Union, Geophysical Research Abstracts; Vienna, Austria, 24-29 April 2005. [ bib | Poster PDF | Abstract ]


  • A. Rizzoli (*), S.E. Perkins, R. Rosà, V. Tagliapietra, H.C. Hauffe, M. Neteler, T. Beninati, E. Gould, M. Bennet, H. Henttonen, I. Cattadori, and P.J. Hudson, 2004. Management of introduced exotics, invasive species, and pests epidemiology of emerging tick and rodent borne diseases in Trentino, Northern Italy. Proc. American Association Zoo Veterinarians, American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians, Wildlife Disease Association JOINT CONFERENCE, San Diego
  • M. Neteler. Interoperability. GIS Open Source, interoperabilità e cultura del dato nei SIAT della Pubblica Amministrazione, GFOSS’04, 16 Nov 2004, ITC-irst. [ bib | http | PDF (revised 2005) ]
  • M. Neteler. Free Software and Open Source GIS. GIS Open Source, interoperabilità e cultura del dato nei SIAT della Pubblica Amministrazione, GFOSS’04, 16 Nov 2004, ITC-irst. [ bib | http | PDF ]
  • M. Neteler. MODIS time series remote sensing for epidemiological modeling. In Proc. GeoInformatics for Spatial-Infrastructure Development in Earth & Allied Sciences: GIS-IDEAS. 2004, Sept. 16-18, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2004. [ bib | http | PDF ]
  • M. Neteler, D. Grasso, I. Michelazzi, L. Miori, S. Merler, and C. Furlanello. New image processing tools for GRASS. In Proc. Free/Libre and Open Source Software for Geoinformatics: GIS-GRASS Users Conference 2004, Sept. 12-14, Bangkok, Thailand, 2004. [ bib | http | PDF ]
  • M. Neteler: Open Source GIS: present status of GRASS development and future directions FOSS for Geoinformatics FOSS4G Workshop, Osaka, Japan, 8 Sept. 2004. [ PDF | HTML | Google Translated HTML ]
  • M. Neteler, “Modelli predittivi per l’analisi dei dati biologico-ambientali (MPBA)”, Trieste Invita alla Scienza, 25 March 2004, Trieste, Italy
  • S. Menegon (*), M. Neteler, C. Furlanello, and S. Fontanari. Open Source GIS/WebGIS nella Pubblica Amministrazione. In Proc. Salpa: Sapere libero e aperto nella Pubblica Amministrazione, Pisa 22-23 marzo 2004. [ bib | http | Abstract ]
  • L. Miori (*), S. Merler, M. Neteler, C. Furlanello, and L. Bruzzone. i.fft_coregister: a new algorithm for automatic image registration based on FFT. In V Meeting degli Utenti Italiani di GRASS, Padova, Italy, 5-6 February, 2004. [ bib | Abstract ]
  • M. Neteler: GRASS 2004 – Stato dell’arte, V Meeting degli Utenti Italiani di GRASS Padova, 5 e 6 Febbraio 2004. [PDF Slides (1.9MB)]



  • M. Di Penta, M. Neteler, G. Antoniol and E. Merlo, 2002, Knowledge Based Library Refactoring for an Open Source Project. IEEE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering WCRE, Oct. 28 – Nov. 1, Richmond, Virginia, USA [ PDF ]
  • P. Brunetti, R. Flor, C. Furlanello, D. Minati, M. Neteler, J. Stankovic, G. Lazzari: “Going Mobile: open source platforms.” WILMA Workshop ‘The First Mile’, Wi-Fi / Powerline, Trento (Italy), November 8, 2002. [ Abstract | Slides ]
  • M. Neteler and A. Donini, “GRASS: Temperature interpolation in 2D and 3D.” Seminar at Istituto Agrario San Michele a. Adige ISMAA, 12. Dec. 2002.
  • M. Neteler, “Open Source project management in framework of the GRASS project” Seminar at Universit? di Sannio, Benevento, Italy, April 8, 2002
  • S. Menegon, M. Neteler, S. Merler, and C. Furlanello. “GIS technologies for epidemiological surveillance of tick borne infections. Proc. III Meeting degli utenti italiani di GRASS. Trieste, 31 Jan.-1 Feb., 2002.



  • R. Bivand, & M. Neteler, “Open source geocomputation: using the R data analysis language integrated with GRASS GIS and PostgreSQL data base systems.” In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on GeoComputation, Leeds, UK, August 2000
  • M. Neteler, “Automatisierte Bestimmung von Bodenbedeckungsgraden für die Erosionsmodellierung. Spectral Mixture Analysis von Satellitendaten.” (Poster). IALE-D 2000, Nürtingen 20-22. July 2000
  • M. Neteler, “GIS: GRASS and role of GIS in agriculture, environment, and area development”, presented at NECTEC Annual Conference 2000 : ECTI – Technologies and the New Economy, NECTEC/Bangkok, June 22-25, 2000