Start GRASS with "leics" dataset:
Or (the "grassdata5" represents the locate database path):
grass5 grassdata5/leics/PERMANENT
R library(GRASS)
G <-gmeta()
Useful commands:
#current memory size: gc() # see current GRASS location settings: summary.grassmeta(G) # print list of available raster maps: system("g.list rast") # get help in R environment: help(plot.grassmeta) # alternative method to get help in R environment: ?plot.grassmeta # get HTML help in R environment: help.start(plot.grassmeta)
The GRASS/R interface allows for loading GRASS maps into R for further analysis. We start with an example. Load the landuse raster map into object "leics":
leics <- rast.get(G, rlist=c("landcov"), catlabels=TRUE)
names(leics) str(leics)
leics <- rast.get(G, rlist=c("topo", "landcov"), catlabels=as.logical(c(F,T)))
names(leics) [1] "topo" "landcov.f" str(leics) List of 2 $ topo : num [1:57600] 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 78 76 ... $ landcov.f: Factor w/ 9 levels "Background","In..",..: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ... length(leics) [1] 2 is.factor(leics$landcov) [1] TRUEis.factor(leics$topo) [1] FALSE
summary(leics$topo) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 40.0 62.0 100.0 115.3 167.0 278.0
boxplot(topo ~ landcov.f, data=leics)
Plotting elevation map with different colors:
plot(G, leics$topo) plot(G, leics$topo, col=terrain.colors(20))
Plotting landcover map (note the "codes" to plot categorial data as we have loaded "landcov" with "catlabels=T"):
plot(G, codes(leics$landcov)) plot(G, codes(leics$landcov), col=rainbow(8))
tapply(leics$topo, leics$landcov, summary) Arable Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 40 63 81 104 153 270$Industry Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 40.00 42.00 59.00 83.61 120.00 220.00
$Pasture Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 40.0 75.0 145.0 133.5 180.0 278.0
$Quarry Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 40.0 59.0 161.0 135.3 177.0 198.0
$Residential Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 40.0 53.0 60.0 76.3 80.0 218.0
$Scrub Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 40.0 100.0 161.0 148.2 196.0 270.0
$Water Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 47.00 65.00 99.00 99.27 131.00 221.00
$Woodland Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 40.0 118.0 156.0 142.9 174.0 248.0
tapply(leics$landcov, leics$topo, summary) $"40" Arable Industry Pasture Quarry Residential Scrub 1545 367 1225 2 460 571 Water Woodland 0 90$"41" Arable Industry Pasture Quarry Residential Scrub 132 36 76 0 47 22 Water Woodland 0 1 [...]
After loading a map, first we can test if any NA raster cells are present
in the map (example: slope map from below):
slope <- rast.get(G, rlist="slope") summary(slope$slope)
slope$slope[slope$slope == "NA" ]
slope.nas<-which($slope)) slope.vals<-which(!$slope)) myslope <- slope$slope[!$slope)] str(myslope) str(slope$slope)
landcov <- rast.get(G, rlist="landcov") landcov.nas <- which($landcov)) mylandcov <- landcov$landcov[!$landcov)] summary(myslope) summary(mylandcov)
Restoring the NAs is a three step procedure:
1. Create a new empty numeric vector:
new.myslope <- numeric(length(slope$slope))
new.myslope[slope.nas] <- NA
new.myslope[slope.vals] <- myslope
plot(G, new.myslope) plot(G, slope$slope)
summary(slope$slope - new.myslope)
Dealing with legends
Drawing a legend requires some work:
Generate levels, analyse topo range for useful breaks:
library(MASS) truehist(leics$topo, nbins=100) legendlevels <- as.ordered(cut(leics$topo, breaks=c(50,100,150,200, 250))) plot(G, leics$topo, col=terrain.colors(20)) legend(x=c(452000,456000), y=c(316000,320000), pch=c(1:5), legend=levels(as.ordered(legendlevels)))
Check the loaded objects:
objects() gc()
Another example with "leics" (the system() function
allows calls to external commands):
system("g.list rast")
system("r.slope.aspect el=topo as=aspect sl=slope")
terrain<-rast.get(G, rlist=c("slope","aspect"))
str(terrain) is.factor(terrain$slope) [1] FALSE
plot(G, terrain$slope)
plot(G, terrain$slope, col=terrain.colors(20))
plot(G, terrain$aspect, col=gray(0:8 / 8))
The utm.maas data frame has 98 rows and 13 columns. It records contamination of the environment by selected metals along the Dutch bank of the River Maas just north of Maastricht. The original data were positioned in relation to local coordinates (TDN coordinates offset by x-178600, y-329700; TDN are stereographic projection, Bessel ellipsoid, origin at 5.387638889E, 52.156160556N, false origin x=155000, y=463000), and have been reprojected to UTM zone 32, using the WGS84 ellipsoid. The pre-defined location can also be downloaded (655kb). See additionally utm help entry.
You have to define this (empty) GRASS location:
projection: UTM ellipsoid: WGS84 zone: 32 north: 5652930 south: 5650610 west: 269870 east: 272460 nsres: 10 ewres: 10 rows: 232 cols: 259
This data frame contains the following columns:
[,1] east numeric UTM zone 32 eastings coordinates m [,2] north numeric UTM zone 32 northings coordinates m [,3] x numeric local coordinates m [,4] y numeric coordinates m [,5] elev numeric local elevation m [,6] d.river numeric distance from main River Maas channel m [,7] Cd numeric ppm [,8] Cu numeric ppm [,9] Pb numeric ppm [,10] Zn numeric ppm [,11] LOI numeric percentage organic matter loss on ignition [,12] Flfd numeric flood frequency class [,13] Soil numeric soil type
grass5 grassdata5/maas/PERMANENT R library(GRASS) G<-gmeta() data(utm.maas)
Zn.o <- as.ordered(cut(utm.maas$Zn, labels = c("insignificant", "low", "medium", "high", "crisis"), breaks = c(100,200, 400, 700, 1000, 2000), include.lowest = T))
plot(utm.maas$east, utm.maas$north, pch = codes(Zn.o), xlab = "", ylab = "", asp = 1) legend(x = c(269900, 270500), y = c(5652000, 5652700), pch = c(1:5), legend = levels(Zn.o)) title("Burrough & McDonnell 1998 p. 107")
str(utm.maas$Fldf) library(MASS) truehist(utm.maas$Fldf, h=0.01)
plot(utm.maas$east, utm.maas$north, pch = utm.maas$Fldf) legend(x = c(269900, 270500), y = c(5652000, 5652700), pch = c(1:3), legend = levels(as.ordered(utm.maas$Fldf)))
identify(utm.maas$east, utm.maas$north, labels = utm.maas$Fldf)
round(tapply(utm.maas$Zn, as.factor(utm.maas$Fldf), mean), 2) round(tapply(utm.maas$Zn, as.factor(utm.maas$Fldf), sd), 2)
round(tapply(log(utm.maas$Zn), as.factor(utm.maas$Fldf), mean), 3) round(tapply(log(utm.maas$Zn), as.factor(utm.maas$Fldf), sd), 3)
round(exp(round(tapply(log(utm.maas$Zn), as.factor(utm.maas$Fldf), mean), 3)), 2)
hist(utm.maas$Zn, breaks = seq(0, 2000, 100), col = "grey") hist(log(utm.maas$Zn), breaks = seq(3.5, 8.5, 0.25), col = "grey")
library(stats) t.test(utm.maas$Zn[utm.maas$Fldf == 2], utm.maas$Zn[utm.maas$Fldf == 3]) cat("NB: B&McD 1998, p. 108, their relative variance is (1-(RSquared))\n")
anova(lm(Zn ~ as.factor(Fldf), data = utm.maas)) summary(lm(Zn ~ as.factor(Fldf), data = utm.maas)) anova(lm(log(Zn) ~ as.factor(Fldf), data = utm.maas)) summary(lm(log(Zn) ~ as.factor(Fldf), data = utm.maas))
contour.G(G, kde2d.G(utm.maas$east, utm.maas$north, h=c(300,300), G=G, Z=utm.maas$Zn)*maasmask) points(utm.maas$east, utm.maas$north, pch=codes(Zn.o)) legend(x=c(269800, 270500), y=c(5652300, 5653000), pch=c(1:5), legend=levels(Zn.o)) title("Kernel density representation of soil Zn")
library(sgeostat) maas.pts <- point(utm.maas, x="east", y="north") maas.pairs <- pair(maas.pts, num.lags=10, maxdist=1000) maas.evg <- est.variogram(maas.pts, maas.pairs, a1="Zn") plot(maas.evg) text(maas.evg$bins, maas.evg$classic/2, labels=maas.evg$n, pos=1) abline(h=25000) abline(h=170000) <- fit.exponential(maas.evg, c0=24803.4, ce=158232, ae=361.604,, iterations=0) cat("Using parameters from B&McD, p. 142 without fitting.\n") res.G1 <- krige.G(G, maas.pts, "Zn",, maasmask) summary(res.G1$zhat) summary(res.G1$sehat) plot(G, res.G1$zhat, breaks=round(seq(120,1660,length=9)), col=grey(9:2/9)) plot(G, ifelse(, 1, NA), col="wheat", add=T) legend(c(269900, 270600), c(5652000, 5652900), bty="n", bg="wheat", legend=c(rev(legtext(round(seq(120,1660,length=9)))),"mask=NA"), fill=c(rev(grey(9:2/9)), "wheat")) title("Ordinary kriging predictions") ln.Zn <- data.frame(x=utm.maas$east, y=utm.maas$north, z=log(utm.maas$Zn)) ln.Zn.pts <- point(ln.Zn) ln.Zn.evg <- est.variogram(ln.Zn.pts, maas.pairs, a1="z") plot(ln.Zn.evg) <- fit.spherical(ln.Zn.evg, c0=0.0536187, cs=0.581735, as=892.729,, iterations=0) cat("Using parameters from Gstat user's manual, p. 14\n") res.G2 <- krige.G(G, ln.Zn.pts, "z",, maasmask) summary(res.G2$zhat) summary(res.G2$sehat) plot(G, res.G2$zhat, breaks=c(0, seq(4.8,7.4,length=9)), col=c("yellow", grey(9:2/9))) plot(G, ifelse(, 1, NA), col="wheat", add=T) legend(c(269900, 270600), c(5652000, 5652900), bty="n", bg="wheat", legend=c(rev(legtext(seq(4.8,7.4,length=9))),"< 4.8", "mask=NA"), fill=c(rev(grey(9:2/9)), "yellow", "wheat")) title("Ordinary kriging predictions ln(Zinc)")
# to be continued...
Start GRASS 5 with your location/mapset settings. Start R within GRASS:
grass5 R library(GRASS) G<-gmeta()
contour.G Equal scale contour plots for GRASS raster and site data east Reads GRASS metadata from the current LOCATION get.cygwinstring Access to underlying environment variables within GRASS get.GISDBASE Access to underlying environment variables within GRASS get.GRASSChkGISRC Access to underlying environment variables within GRASS get.LOCATION Access to underlying environment variables within GRASS get.MAPSET Access to underlying environment variables within GRASS get.mapsets Access GRASS readable mapsets search path gmeta Reads GRASS metadata from the current LOCATION GRASS.connect Access to underlying environment variables within GRASS Interpolation from sites to raster, Akima's new method kde2d.G Two-Dimensional Kernel Density Estimation on a GRASS Grid krige.G Kriging prediction for GRASS maps legtext Equal scale plots for GRASS raster and site data maas.metadata Soil pollution data set maasmask Soil pollution data set make.maas.location Reads GRASS metadata from the current LOCATION north Reads GRASS metadata from the current LOCATION obsno Reads GRASS metadata from the current LOCATION pcbs PCBs in an area of South Wales plot.grassmeta Equal scale plots for GRASS raster and site data prmat2.G Kriging prediction for GRASS maps rast.get Import GRASS raster files rast.put Exports to GRASS raster data files refresh.mapsets Access GRASS readable mapsets search path reverse Reads GRASS metadata from the current LOCATION semat2.G Kriging prediction for GRASS maps set.cygwinstring Access to underlying environment variables within GRASS set.GISDBASE Access to underlying environment variables within GRASS set.LOCATION Access to underlying environment variables within GRASS set.MAPSET Access to underlying environment variables within GRASS sites.get Import GRASS sites file sites.put Export GRASS sites file sites.put2 Export GRASS sites file summary.grassmeta Display GRASS metadata trmat.G Evaluate Trend Surface over a GRASS Grid utm.maas Soil pollution data set
To test stationarity (semivariogram modelling) we generate a sine surface using r.mapcalc:
1. Start GRASS with an existing location:
r.mapcalc sinesurface="sin(row())*sin(col())"
d.mon x0 d.rast sinesurface
nviz2.2 elevation=sinesurface
r.random in=sinesurface sites=sample ns=1000 sample
5. For analysis we start R within GRASS and call the GRASS-interface library:
R library(GRASS) G<-gmeta()
sample <- sites.get(G, "sample") str(sample) plot(G,sample)
#proceed with variogram stuff