grass57 -help grass57 -gui #see available maps: g.list rast g.list vect #as we are using GRASS 5.7 and data for 5.0, we have to convert the #old vector maps to new vector maps: v.convert in=roads out=roads g.list vect #v.convert stores vector attributes in a column with name "label" #as we are using GRASS 5.7 and data for 5.0, we have to convert the #old sites maps to new vector maps: in=archsites out=archsites stores point vector attributes in a column with name "str1" etc. #display manager d.m # - add raster map 'elevation.dem' # - add vector map 'roads' # - display (world map symbol) # # - add vector map 'archsites' # - select icon symbol 'basic/diamond' # - display (world map symbol) # # - display attributes of 'road' map # - select only 'interstates' by SQL statement # # - save d.m stettings to file #Enjoy 3D visualization: nviz el=elevation.dem vect=roads #get some map info elevation.dem roads archsites #To leave GRASS, enter into terminal window: exit