HOWTO: Testing the GRASS 6 and QGIS installations (requires GDAL/GRASS plugin and PROJ4) by Markus Neteler, ITC-irst, Italy neteler at itc it, 23 May 2005 Preamble: We assume that GRASS/QGIS/GDAL/PROJ4 etc have been successfully installed. Software: Data: ########################################################### Tests: 1. extract the Spearfish sample data set for GRASS: mkdir $HOME/grassdata tar xvfz spearfish_grass60data.tar.gz 2. Start GRASS with Spearfish location: grass60 $HOME/grassdata/spearfish60/user1 exit Should enter GRASS, leave with exit. Worked? Fine. 3. Start GRASS with Spearfish location, but graphical login: grass60 -gui -> now the GUI should open -> click "help" button, close help window -> Click "Enter GRASS" button -> should enter GRASS -> GIS manager should open Click in GIS manager on "Add raster" button, click on word "raster" which appeared in the canvas, select "Raster name" button, select map "elevation.dem", click "ok", map name should appear in canvas, click on "world map" button: should open GRASS monitor and show elevation map. Worked? Fine. Put aside the GIS manager. 4. QGIS Tests within GRASS - enter into the GRASS terminal: qgis -> Go menu "Plugins, Pluginmanager, activate - GRASS plugin, OK button -> a set of new buttons should appear -> click "Add GRASS raster layer" button, select "elevation.dem" map -> click "Add GRASS raster layer" button, select "aspect map" -> click right mouse button in legend on "aspect" map, move transparency to 40% -> click "Add GRASS vector layer" button, select "roads map", select layer "1-line" (the "0-line" layer is not exciting), OK Test with reading also external data into: -> click "Add raster layer" button, load "spearfish_landsat7_NAD27_pan.img" or "spearfish_landsat7_NAD27_pan.tif" map. It should match the other layers (you will have to change the stacking order in the legend) Worked? Fine. Questions (depends on QGIS version): - is the "Open GRASS tools" button present? - does the "printer" symbol open a nice "map composer" tool? QUIT from QGIS 5. Testing the GDAL/GRASS plugin gdalinfo $HOME/grassdata/spearfish60/PERMANENT/cellhd/elevation.dem Should output raster map metadata. Worked? Fine. 6. Testing OGR/GRASS operations: tar xvfz tiger2000_UTM13_nad27.tar.gz tiger2000_UTM13_nad27/tgr46081lkA_UTM13_nad27.* cd tiger2000_UTM13_nad27 tgr46081lkA_UTM13_nad27.shp out=tgr46081lkA_roads d.mon x0 d.vect tgr46081lkA_roads d.vect roads col=red -> both maps should match. Worked? Fine. THAT'S IT! Close GRASS monitor exit Thanks for testing. Complaints to Markus Neteler.