Sample TIGER 2000 data for GRASS Workshop MUM3 2005 Selected TIGER 2000 postprocessed for GRASS Spearfish sample dataset ( in order - to match the dataset definitions Spearfish (SD), UTM zone 13N NAD27/Clarke66. Postprocessed by Markus Neteler, ITC-irst, with OGR ( FIPS County State 46 081 Lawrence SD See also: TIGER®, TIGER/Line® and TIGER-Related Products Data source: TIGER 2000 SHAPE files were reprojected from LatLong/NAD83 to UTM13N/NAD27 using ogr2ogr: for i in `ls *.shp` ; do NAME=`basename $i .shp` ogr2ogr -s_srs "+init=epsg:4269" -t_srs "+init=epsg:26713" ${NAME}_UTM13_nad27.shp $i done Selected Layers: kgl - Key Geographic Locations 1.4 KB lpt - Landmark Points 2.1 KB lpy - Landmark Polygons 5.7 KB lkH - Line Features - Hydrography 393.7 KB lkD - Line Features - Landmarks 773.0 bytes lkC - Line Features - Misc. Transport 11.6 KB lkF - Line Features - Non-visible 99.3 KB lkB - Line Features - Rails 9.2 KB lkA - Line Features - Roads 554.0 KB uni - School Districts - Unified 17.1 KB taz - Traffic Analysis Zones 33.3 KB urb - Urban Areas 2000 12.0 KB wat - Water Polygons 5.0 KB