Open Source Geospatial '05 Conference

June 16-18, 2005 - University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, MN USA - OSG'05 Conference Website

GRASS 6 workshop material

Title: Open Source Geoinformatics with GRASS GIS
Presenters: Markus Neteler, Kristen Perry
Presenter contacts: neteler at, kperry at

Tutorial (English) - GRASS 6.0: GRASS 6 in a nutshell by M. Neteler (34pp, 1.6MB PDF)
Tutorial (Spanish) - GRASS 6.3: GRASS 6: Una guía de inicio by M. Neteler, translated by Carlos Dávila (37pp, 1.7MB PDF)
Tutorial (Spanish) - GRASS 6.0: GRASS 6: Una guía de inicio by M. Neteler, translated by Guillermo Martínez for WALC 2005 (39pp, 2.5MB PDF)
Tutorial (French) - GRASS 6.0: GRASS 6: précis et concis by M. Neteler, translated by Eve Rousseau

Slides (English): OSG'05 GRASS Workshop slides (3.4MB PDF)

We'll basically work with the Spearfish data set (Spearfish, Lawrence county, South Dakota, USA). To enrich the standard Spearfish data set, a couple of extra maps can be downloaded below.

Spearfish sample dataset

SPEARFISH 6.0 data set (20MB size) - contains raster, vector and point data of South Dakota [change history]
(UTM projection, Clarke66 ellipsoid, NAD27 conus)

LANDSAT-7 data

Erdas/Img format GeoTIFF format explanations
spearfish_landsat7_NAD27_pan.img 1.4M spearfish_landsat7_NAD27_pan.tif 1.3M spearfish_landsat7_NAD27_pan.txt 4.0K
spearfish_landsat7_NAD27_tir.img 184K spearfish_landsat7_NAD27_tir.tif 172K spearfish_landsat7_NAD27_tir.txt 4.0K
spearfish_landsat7_NAD27_vis_ir.img 2.1M spearfish_landsat7_NAD27_vis_ir.tif 2.0M spearfish_landsat7_NAD27_vis_ir.txt 4.0K

Digital Raster Graph data (topo sheet)

README_spearfish_drg24.txt ( spearfish_drg24_permission.mbox)
spearfish_drg24.tif (GeoTIFF format, 12M)

TIGER 2000 data

(selected layers only)

a) Latitude-Longitude/NAD83:
tiger2000_latlong_nad83.tar.gz (SHAPE format, 1.2M)
b) UTM/NAD27:
tiger2000_UTM13_nad27.tar.gz (SHAPE format, 1.2M)



A protocol to test the GRASS6/QGIS etc installations:
To grab all files here, run (if proxy, then 'export http_proxy=<proxy:port>' first):
   wget -np -m

Markus Neteler
Wed Jan 18 14:37:28 CET 2006